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✖️How XRP Will Be a Key In Partnership to Send Remittances Across These Asian Countries✖️

In recent years, payment company Ripple has seen important growth due to its XRP-based solution On-Demand Liquidity (ODL). In collaboration with exchange platforms and other partners, the company has provided people across the world with an alternative to settle their transactions and leverage multiple use cases.

In contrast with traditional payment rails, ODL has the capacity to settle a transaction almost instantly and at a low cost. According to a press release, this solution has been integrated with Japan-based money transfer company Asian Net with the help of the exchange platform

The partnership will enable people in Japan to send remittances to the Philippines. Japan has seen a large inflow of people from neighboring countries. Often workers looking for better pay, living, and working conditions.

These Filipinos need a way to transfer money to family members back in their country, but traditional platforms are expensive, charge a hefty fee for their services, and settle a transaction days after the money was sent.

In that sense, CEO Wei Zhou said the following on their partnership with Asian Net, the deal could allegedly improve the way 300,000 Filipinos in Japan send money to their families:

Overseas Filipino Workers are too often forced to rely on outdated, slow-moving and expensive remittance services to transfer their hard-earned money back home. is committed to harnessing the power of blockchain-based cryptocurrency technologies to empower Filipinos to move money across borders in a fast, frictionless, secure, compliant and affordable way, making the global currency transfer system more inclusive in the process. The ODL service we launched today with OK Remit is an exciting example of how we can achieve that.

According to the press release, the partnership was consolidated via SBI Ripple Asia, a company created by Ripple and SBI Holdings. Remittances between Japan and the Philippines will be sent with the trading platform SBI VC Trade as an intermediary, XRP will operate as a bridge currency between the two fiat currencies from these countries.

XRP Changes The Remittances Games In Asia?
In addition to its low-cost transactions and instant settlements, the partners expect to allow people and institution to free up capital that can be re-invested in other areas. As of late 2021, over $1.6 billion in remittances were transferred from Japan to the Philippines.

President of OK Remit, Shujen Higashida claimed there has been an increase in demand for XRP-based solutions that enable people to send money from Japan. This demand has spiked in the post COVID-19 world. Higashida hinted at the possibility of launching similar services in other countries.

Jayson Mandal, International Department Manager of Asian Net, added the following on their partnership with and the integration of the XRP-based solution ODL:

Our partnership with to launch RippleNet’s ODL service in Japan is a significant accomplishment, and is a key factor in reaching and penetrating the Filipino market – one of our biggest markets. We constantly look at incorporating innovative technologies to address the needs of foreign residents in Japan and to meet a high level of customer satisfaction.

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ThunderDome, A New SocialFi Application Built On Fantom(Soon to be Sonic) ⚡

⚡️ ThunderDome is the latest SocialFi app built on Fantom(Soon to be Sonic), and with some tweaks, it could be a massive success within the ecosystem! 🚀 With the right improvements, it might spread like wildfire across cryptoTwitter (X). 🔥 The app boasts an incredibly fast user interface, a smooth user experience, and it’s already super addictive—all while still in its early adopter phase. 🎯

Here’s how it works  👇

🚀 The force behind SocialFi is two-fold:

1️⃣ Creators earn 💰 based on their success—good content & engagement get rewarded! 🌟

2️⃣ By buying a ticket, early followers get access and a stake in their favorite account’s growth. 📈

Of course, there are plenty more incentive models at play

🎟️ What are tickets?

Tickets act as an investment in a creator!

By buying a ticket, holders can access a private group chat with that creator/account. 💬🤝

5% of buy/sell fees go straight to the creator! 💸🔥

Tickets are bought on a bonding curve, which is broken down in the image below 👀⬇️

To get started, go to: > Connect your X account > Top off your hot wallet >  Buy ticket > Browse topics

#️⃣ What are topics?

Topics are purchasable hashtags, like #fantom. 🔖

To create a hashtag topic, just search the tag to generate the topic room. This opens up buying/selling for the topic. 🎯 Anyone can join in and chat within these topics! 💬

For now, though, there’s limited utility for #topics. ⬇️

💡 Developer Team Suggestions for TOPICS:

Add more utility to owning topic hashtags, such as:

  • Require a 1 $FTM subscription fee to post in a topic, giving 30-day access. 🗓️💰
  • Fee gets shared with topic owners based on their holdings. 📊💸
  • If you own a topic, you can pin it to your top menu for easy access. 📌✨
  • Ability to hide a topic chat if needed for privacy or organization. 🔒👀

💡 New User Advice:

  • If you can afford it, buy multiple tickets for creators you like. 🎟️

  • 📈 Asthe platform grows, prices will skyrocket, and you’ll want to sell.

  • If you hold only 1 ticket, you’ll hesitate selling as you lose access to the group chat! 💬

  • For those hunting alpha, keep an eye on the 'New' section. 🕵️‍♂️🔍


💭 Final Thoughts:

  • There’s something incredibly addicting about watching the activity feed of buys/sells. 📊👀 It’s like seeing the pulse of what everyone’s doing across the application, and you just can’t look away! 🔄💥

  • Keep refreshing the “new” feed to catch fresh accounts when they sign up. 🆕👤 But don’t forget to check the connected X handle to make sure they are the real deal! ✅🔗 You don’t want to follow a fake accounts! 🙅‍♂️


⚠️ Disclaimer: This is not financial advice! 🚫💸 Always do your own research before investing any money into anything. 🔍💡 While early investors could potentially see huge gains, 💰🚀 remember that this comes with a lot of risk! 🎯💥 As the saying goes, no risk usually means no reward. 🏆 But make sure you're fully informed before diving in! 👌


👉 Get Started Today... Enter Fantoms Thunderdome


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AbovePhone: Taking Back Your Privacy
Above The Rules: Above Phone Overview

The first Above Phone webinar showed off the Above Phone and all the underlying technology that helps protect you from tracking and censorship.

We cover:
- the potential privacy, financial, and legal risks in using a big tech phone
- the 3 major layers of tracking
- simple strategies to secure the 3 layers
- differences between operating systems
- basic phone features and how to use them
- how to find alternative apps for every use
- how to audit your favorite applications
- how to control your phone's sensors
- how to make phone calls without a SIM card
- how to use Above Privacy Suite
- how to isolate big tech apps
- how to send end to end encrypted messages, calls, and video calls
- how to protect your phone's internet traffic with a VPN
- the most important app replacements
- and much more!

Our phone has become a tool of learning - we get a lot of our information from podcasts, reading articles, and browsing social media.

With media being important, its easy to get looped into an app that might charge you money or spy on you.

Luckily there are plenty of alternatives on the Above Phone.

In our Mindful Media webinar we share new ways to consume media that are free, and give us ownership of the media by letting us download the files.

Replace big tech with your private ecosystem.

Step Above to friendly apps, operating systems, and communications that give you privacy and control. A phone that does everything you want and more. Its easy to learn and we'll help you every step of the way.

The Above Privacy Phone


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September 18, 2024
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Going Cashless: Stablecoin Payments 101

What are stablecoins?

A stablecoin is a type of digital currency designed to make transacting with crypto more practical. Most stablecoins are pegged to a fiat currency like USD or EUR. Because of this, stablecoins have acted as a gateway into using blockchain and digital assets for payments amongst users concerned with cryptocurrency price volatility. 

Like many digital assets, stablecoins can provide broad, inclusive access to the financial system, and enable the fast and efficient movement of value. In 2022, fiat backed stablecoins transacted $6.87T, eclipsing both Mastercard and PayPal in terms of moving value across networks.

How do stablecoins work for payments?

Using stablecoins for payments combines the benefits of blockchain technology — namely greater security, transparency, cost efficiency, and speed — with the trust and familiarity of traditional fiat or local currency.

As demand for stablecoins grows, particularly as cash use experiences a historic low, more individuals and businesses are considering these assets as payment alternatives. The number of Americans who say they did not use cash to make a purchase in a typical week is now 41%, up from 29% in 2018. Business owners are increasingly finding the switch to stablecoin payments advantageous, noting rising consumer demand, faster checkouts, lower labor costs and increased security.

The trend towards stablecoin use is driven by the benefits of blockchain technology that add improvement over credit-card and other traditional payment types. 

Stablecoins reduce the role of intermediaries in the current financial system and support direct transactions between merchants and consumers, reducing intermediary costs. Because stablecoins are cryptographically secure, users can settle transactions almost instantaneously without double-spending or other problematic settlement facilitation

Because stablecoins are built on distributed ledger technology, they offer programmability to payments via smart contracts which can inspire useful product or service innovation and link the traditional Web2 economy with the future of finance—Web3.

Adoption of new digital payment methods offers significant benefits to customers and society: improved efficiency, greater competition, expanded financial inclusion, and innovation

Stablecoin market at-a-glance

The fiat-backed stablecoin market cap today is over $100 billion. While the stablecoin market is still largely dominated by a couple incumbents—namely Circle’s USDC and Tether’s USDT—newer stablecoin issuers like PayPal (PYUSD) and Ripple (RLUSD) have more recently come onto the scene with USD-backed stablecoins

Ripple USD is purpose-built for payments, designed to maintain a constant value of one US dollar. It is fully backed by a segregated reserve of cash and cash equivalents, and is redeemable 1:1 for US dollars. RLUSD is issued on the XRP Ledger and Ethereum blockchains, enabling instant payouts and easy fiat-stablecoin on/off ramps. For exchanges, remittance and money transfer providers, or payment service providers (PSPs) that want to hold, buy and trade USD on-chain, RLUSD provides fast settlement, multi-chain issuance, and programmable finance—opening up a whole new world of use cases and revenue streams.

Ripple USD is built with regulatory compliance as a defining feature, bringing with it an opportunity for developers, payment providers, exchanges and others to benefit from the stability and transparency Ripple is uniquely able to provide. With over a decade of experience at the intersection of crypto and finance, and a proven track record working with regulators and policymakers across the globe, Ripple is accelerating the digital asset economy with RLUSD.

What about stablecoin regulation?

On-trend with the rest of the global crypto industry, regulation of this new asset class has already begun to take shape, and tends to merit more political support than crypto regulation more broadly. Stablecoin regulation is quickly progressing across the globe, from North America and Europe to Asia, and more recently, the UAE

The U.S. is witnessing regulatory progress with recent bipartisan support for the 'Clarity of Payments Stablecoin Act'. If passed, the legislation could unlock stablecoin innovation led by private players in the blockchain industry, allowing anyone with consumer distribution (social, commerce, finance) to partner with a regulated stablecoin issuer.




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