Aaron Brickman Fall 2022 CRASH
Cycles for crashes are like a 7 digit combination lock. Must have all 7 hit or no crash. A crash is not garunteed but will be very highly likely if all 7 combos hit.
All major crashes in US history were on same lunar date. Oct 21st for 2022 for end of crash, a Friday this year. ( see Chris Carolan " Pie Math" )
All major crashes in US history going back to the 1700's begin the panic with same lunar signature. Within 6 weeks of a lunar eclipse. Oct 25th this Fall for end of crash this year. ( Steve Pitts "Unified Cycles" books and how solar particles affect life on Earth, affecting water on Earth and elsewhere even in people).
Arch Crawford wrote about the Mars/Uranus cycle that has been present for all major US crashes of the 20th century and that cycle will be in effect til end of Dec 2022. Mars squares Uranus.
👉If every single crash in US history is triggered by a full moon for the last 200 years and every crash bottoms 2 days before a new moon we should pay attention to them.
👉Investing is ruled by two emotions. Fear and GREED. FOMO is Fear Of Missing Out. Greed is the feeling you will lose all you have.
Every crash in US history that has occured in the Fall in 1929, 1907, 1997 etc were all triggered by the High Holy days of the Jewish Calendar. High holy days in the Fall are Roshashana Sept 25/26 in 2022 ( blowing of the trumpets, beginning of Jewish New Year for God). This calls the nation to ten days of fasting, prayer and repentence. 10 days later is Yom Kippur, the day of judgement and time when you fate for the next year is sealed. On the 15th of Tishra is the Feast of Tabernacles , a 7 or 8 day selebration where Jews were commanded to set up make shift tents and live in them about a week to commemorate the wandering of the Jews in the desert.
Crashes occur from a top and a blow off top. There is a dramatic drop over 2 to 4 weeks does not go as high as preious top and takes a week to week and a half. Then market rolls over into a wave 3 crash wave. Markets and everythign else in nature moves in waves. This whole period takes about 8 weeks to play out. The point where you have a final rally in 1929 and 1987 started on Roshashana. The crash concluded on the end of the Feast of Tabernacles.
All these stats have to align perfectly and fit with High Holy days in Jewish calender or no crash. This year 2022 is nearly identical to 1929. This Fall we have either topped on Aug 16th or we will top soon. Down move should be DONE by Sept 23rd ( ear 29K on DOW). Then there will be a final rally lasting one week to 3 days to DOW 31K or 32K. If DOW is rallying inot Yom Kippur we will crash into Oct 21st.
In 2008 God gave us a curve ball. You really MUST be paying attention. Yom Kippur was not the trigger for the crash. Roshashanna was the trigger and DOW closed down 777 pts. God put his stamp on that crash beginning. That crash ended at the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles.
All the planetary alignments are there for a crash this Fall. If we roll over from here we will be in for a 1929 style crash. The markets are showing we could have a 40-60% drop in the DOW. DOW could go down to 16K or lower by Nov. If there is a crash it will be over by Oct 21st.
In 1962 during the Cuban missle crisis was when the went ot the highest DEFCON level the same luanr dates we bottomed in 1929, 87 and 08 was when the Cuban missle crisis subsided.
The first big depression in the US was the panic of 1837 to 1842 was when Andrew Jackson was dissolving the second US Central Bank. There was a planetary alignment fo Saturn squaring Uranus ( happens ever 45 years ). That squaring in 1942 saw the market bottom and lose 80% of it's value. 45 years later is 1932 sees bottom of stock market collapse at 90% of it's value. This year we will see the Square of Saturn Uranus will be Nov of 2022. Technicians are very concerned about amajor crash this year to match 1842 and 1932. Both those 90 yr cycles has major major drops and they dramatically changed the economic structure of the US and the lives of the people. In 1929 we set the all time high in the market, bottomed in 1932 and the next bull run began in 1942 giving 15 years of sideways movement in market. The next 40 yr cycle began in 1982, the biggest economic exspansion is US history. Both those cycles will converge in Nov. All the astrological cycles are converging for a crash this Fall between now ( Sept 9th) and Nov 2022.
A drop of 60% or so will fundamentally change life for the average American. Credit will dry up as in other crashes. NOW we have supply chains breaking on purpose, food shortages on purpose and weather wars. Food prices could double or tiple next year. Business credit will dry up. Layoffs and firings will ramp up.
After everything and every investor is "leveled" there could be a huge BULL market. DOW could go to 60 to 100K. TPTB don't create these cycles. They merely ride them and manipulate them as best they can to their advantage and prod the cycles along.
The big investment houses are massivley SHORT this market and will make a killing in this crash. The average investor won't get out now with DOW at 30K. They will get out at DOW 15K. Once everyone pukes up their stocks the big boys will gobble up all the stocks and then drive the market to the moon. TPTB will then unload all their stocks on the masses again, probably for the last time before the final crash of the US dollar.
💥A EURO collapse would signal an end to the game and would me we in the US would have about 2 weeks to get all our money out of the US banking system.💥
The powers that be could just print to the moon and the Federal Reserve could buy up most of the stock market driving it to the moon like in Japan for last two lost decades. In 2020 the Fed Res openly bought the Bond Market and killed the bond traders completely canging the rules of the game. The Federal Resrve has an unlimited checkbook on the backs of the taxpayers and these socialistic policies can print money and make one last rally to but Apple, IBM, etc to extract value from US citizens and pad their own pockets.
Between Nov of this year and July of 2023 we will see a historic low that will begin the last Bull Market in US stock markets. Martin Armstrong said that "they" will take the Dow to 65 to 100K then the US will cease to exist in 2032, have a civil war and a Russian and Chinese invasion. Charles Nenner has us in a war cycle as well around 2024. M. Armstrong thinks the war cycle will begin in 2025 or so.