(Dinarian Note: This message from December 2021, is one of spirits most powerful messages. I feel compelled to post this so you can read this closely as it is more important today than it was back then, especially pertaining to both crypto and the extremely POWERFUL Metatron prayer.)
A MEMO FROM SPIRIT - IT HAS BEGUN Predictions from Michelle Whitedove — Michelle Whitedove
Spirit is reminding us, this is a great revolution, and it has begun.  It’s not just on one side of the pond or the other. This is a worldwide revolution coming from the people saying “No, you are not in charge of my body, my freedoms, my speech and my personal rights.” In the USA they are saying “You're breaking the constitution and our God-given human rights” as stated in this excerpt of our Constitution; Â
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…Â
and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”Â
Powerful and inspirational right?
Now where global politics are concerned, you have the right hand and the left hand:
the opposing sides and they don't know what the opposition is planning and so they can't agree on anything because there is much chaos and corruption among them. But both sides they think they're untouchable. They think no one would ever dare go to their government headquarters or to their homes. But it’s happening and the mass numbers will increase with grand protests. They will march into Washington DC too. Well, the government better think again, because my vision shows me the Statue of Liberty on the ground. My vision shows me that New York City and all its people will come out in protest. The Government doesn’t have enough weapons, not enough equipment, not enough of military personnel; Marines, Navy seals, Army  to go against the 331 Million people of America!
All of the countries around the globe - those military armies, whether they're on land, at sea, at war, wherever they may be; they, themselves are not prepared for a world revolution. This is beyond rioting, theft and dangerous neighborhoods of No Go Zones that police don't come to, and paramedics wont visit. We're talking about how it really is in the world, how the citizens are locked down in their house, and they can't go get medical treatments, some help and things they need.  Right now it has started, countries are segregating the human population based solely on their vaccination status. YES it is happening!! Don’t think it won’t come to your neighborhood, because that is the master plan.
For us here in the USA we don’t see it on the Corporate News Channels that’s sponsored by the Big Drug Companies. Around the globe the governments don’t want you to know the truth of the lock downs and the huge protests - It is hidden from us, you can’t even google it because the censorship is so prevalent. Unless you are there in the middle of a communist take-over you may not realize the big picture – but you can find the videos on alternative platforms. They are using FEAR, over-reaction and segregation to manipulate the population to bend our WILL to the Communist One World agenda. Don’t be deceived.
Do you know what is happening in Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, Canada, Austria, Germany, Italy … and other countries? Find out, do your research, be appalled and speak up because they are coming to your State too!   Look for the protest VIDEOS on alternative platforms such as Rumble, Telegram, LiveWire, Brighteon.com
Today it’s important to have to have a plan A, B, C and plan D is never good, people need to think out of their box, their bubble, because everything is in flux and plans are ever shifting. Most organized religions - church and state are one and the same, driven by money. Just know that your spirituality is separate from dogmatic religion.
Use your God given resources and abilities to influence the markets. It’s vitally important for the crypto users and believers to blend their spirituality with their mindset to help their cryptocurrency investments succeed because through God, through the grace of God anything's possible. Yes, God gave us theta; you were prompted to buy it right? Spirit gave you Theta and Persistence too. We were given Theta and Persistence so that We The People would have a financial cushion during these uncertain times and these projects are good for humanity also.
Don’t react out of FEAR or FOMO. You have to know when the hold, fold, walk away. Stick with your crypto plan so that you don’t react out of emotions. Yes, we had this mini crash or dip but don’t sell now! Hold on, be strong. be patient. Have faith. Have trust in God. Pray and Meditate because you will be in tune with your higher consciousness – the part of us that is always connected to Spirit. Do these things daily because It raises your vibration meaning it raises your Spirit. Give thanks, and count your blessings!! Do this with your bank accounts too! Abundance is yours!
Anyone that you get around that doesn't have a vibration like yours, you will want to move away from that person and their negativity. Chaos within the home is not good.  Go with your instincts. Go within. This is the time. In your darkest hour, know that you are never alone, know that you are closer to God than you've ever been. For God is giving you everything that you need within you, outside you, everything mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically. Stay centered – stay prayerful, gather your loved ones to pray and encourage meditation. Households in-tune and like-minded will give you a loving peaceful environment in which to thrive and grow.
This is a state of emergency; a worldwide 9-1-1 and it does not just affect this world, it affects worlds within worlds. We have globalists with an agenda taking advantage of this so-called medical induced “shutdown" with a secondary plan “Let's restart civilization”, lets Build It Back Better – which is a cloaked scheme for world-wide government control.  When these leaders, decided to be vague and spoon feed the plan to the citizens and to the people, the good people of the world have no clue of exactly what that means.  Even they themselves, the Shadow Global Government, does not know what they're going to do next because they are too are fearful of the people globally and those that have rights to carry arms. They know us, especially us that are independent thinkers – critical thinkers that know our RIGHTS, we're not just going to take this and we're not going to roll over. We're not just going to give everything we've done our whole life and say, "Here you go." The WEF [World Economic Forum] has announced their motto for the global future “You will own nothing and you will be Happy”. Of course that will only apply to the citizens [not to the elite] but We The People will not give up, we will not reward their glee, gluttony, and greed. Enough is enough.
Humanitarians, it is time to put your hand out to your fellow man. We are all this in this together. It's full circle, baby and the world is not that big of a place. Right now it's upside down and it's spinning in the wrong direction. And if there's ever a time in the world that we need God and we need mercy - it's now. So good people, reach out to help those in need. Speak up and educate others. Do what you can, but step outside of your comfort zone – for this is where personal growth happens.
If there's ever time to pray for the world, Pray for your loved ones, Pray for your country and meditate – NOW is the time. You don't have to go to a church or temple. You don't have to utilize these dogmatic manmade systems of different religions. All you have to do is come from your heart, speak to Spirit just like you would a loving parent. Turn your problems over to God, for Spirit has solutions greater than you can imagine [although Never tell Spirit HOW TO fix your problems]. Shield yourself up in prayer daily – it makes a huge difference my friends.  The Metatron Prayer is a powerful 3-D prayer of protection and abundance that I hope you utilize.  The spiritual practice of prayer, visualization and faith in action help you to create positive results in your life. Within a blink of any eye you can manifest your dreams that fast. And in this time, with the veil thin between Heaven and Earth: live a wholesome life with good intentions, by your thoughts, by your good deeds and know that what you visualize, you can materialize.
With that said, the same goes for your negative thought patterns. Just like a hypochondriac can manifest sickness … you can bring your greatest fears to life. So do NOT focus on fears. Focus on positive solutions. Because the more you fear something then you bring that to you. Spirit says, focusing on your fears is like praying for the negative to happen. The more that you wish and pray for something good with good intentions. Make a plan, and then you finally get off your butt and you take action steps to make it happen; we are co-creators of our reality and can bring dreams to fruition.
You know, I can't stand to see anything hurt, much less babies, puppies, children and innocent women, good men, whales, dolphin, call it what you want - All life, all of God's wondrous souls that he created. He created with reason, purpose, balance and perfection. We are children of God, please, for the love of God, wake up. Stand up.Â
Stand up united, we stand united or separate we fall. Please stand up for your rights. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for your family. Stand up for your children, your grandchildren and their future. Warning, if you do not stand up now, there is no future that is acceptable, for I “SEE” three probable futures. We all have to do this. We are not alone in this. We are together. Please, I ask of all of you. Do Not Comply with Passports, they are the end of freedoms. When you need travel papers within your city – then you are no longer free!  Get the shot or don't get the shot, that's your personal choice, but do not go along with these forced mandates. Know that this is a slippery slope to forced shots for EVERYTHING! Do you want a mandated shot 1,2,3,4,5,6 ? When you decide that you’ve had enough and you SAY No to shot #5, well then you are back to being considered UnVaxxed and a segregated citizen?  Your good health is dictated by you, it’s a very personal choice. My peeps we’ve been on a Vitamin Protocol since the beginning – I’ve been building my immune system and I hope that you are too. My medical treatments are neither up to the local Government nor the shadow government. God does not ordain a forced shot system. That is a personal choice. God gave us our free will. So you can do what's best for you. Our free-will is our gift. And some may say it's a curse, But it is our right to choose. We came down here to Earth with that God-Given Birth Right. Amen.
Sure they want to make it difficult, they want to segregate you from your loved ones, your career, and transportation, and eventually the basics of food and water if you don’t comply.  Well it’s a sham. People of the world, enjoy the breath that you are breathing, that oxygen because it's not just that, its radiation and bioweapons. It's that tinkle, tinkle, what they drop from the sky. There are many airborne chemicals that humans are not aware of. The shadow government Does Not have your best interest at heart. They want to over-tax you, take away your financial freedom and your right to liberty, freedom of speech, the right to work and even your right to retire by stealing your pensions and social security that you paid for with your hard work.  Be forewarned, be aware, be prepared, but insist on your freedoms.
This is a critical time in our human history. It is a war of good against evil, light workers against the dark ones that lie and deceive. Don’t be fooled. Pay no attention to their meaningless words, watch their actions. Hold them accountable. Stand up, Speak up. Be brave and walk through your fears because freedom is on the other side.
You have an unseen support team, God gifted you with two guardian Angels and Spirit guides too. Call on them and ask for their assistance. There are legions of Angels to help this world. They are here to help us get through this time. But they are not allowed to interfere with humans Free-Will so call on them, ASK THEM for help.
Even the highly evolved Star Beings are coming to assist. Pay attention, do not be fearful, you may be seeing them in the near future, like any day now, in broad daylight, you will see these UFOs. They are not here to harm us - they would have taken over the Earth a long time ago if that was their intent. No, they're here to inhibit the Shadow Government, the warmongers. Why? Because the Star Beings, our celestial brothers and sisters don't want the destruction of our people, the planet or our the oceans, or our sky. What we do here affects the Universe, all the planets, all the stars. Great Spirit created a delicate ecosystem on a very grand scale. Our primitive scientists are preforming experiments that have devastating effects for eons of time; you have no idea.
But we are not alone. And we have a lot of whistle blowers that are going to blow their whistle after the holidays. So get motivated. Don't bow down to darkness. Don't entertain it. Don't engage it. Walk away from it. Evil is a false sense of power. Earth’s history tells of wipe-outs; like Sodom and Gomorrah when humans get way out of balance the slate gets wiped clean. If you abuse your power, you will lose it.
Live in the light, that is where all blessing flow. Use your gifts and your talents to make a positive difference in this world. For all the light-workers walk your talk. Live it, live it. Don't say “I know this to be true”- Live it! Stand up for all that is good and true. Stand up for the innocent.
Whatever you may come upon, whether it be your eyes, your consciousness or your person, whether it be at a place in time or a moment that you are in the presence of a grave injustice; are you going to stand there and let that happen? Are you going to do everything in your power to change it? The ball is in your court, free will. That is your gift, your birthright. These moments are crucial to do what is right.
God does not sanction this bio-weapon. It was created to purposely harm humanity. The shadow government wants biological warfare with their Gain-Of-Function man-made viruses. They created the deadly virus and they own the dangerous bioweapon cure.God does not sanction this. There are legions of angels here and the ranks of Michael, Uriel and others to intercede and to help save the innocent, create healings and they do miraculous things that your mind could never comprehend … because you don't take let's say five, 10 minutes, 15 minutes out of the day to say a prayer. Please I implore you – ask God and your Angels to intercede, to remove the evil ones running this global take over, Pray for solutions, Pray for the innocent, Pray for the injured. You may not feel worthy, you may feel inadequate, but God created your soul, and Great Spirit hears every Prayer!! Let me assure you; God feels your sincerity.How will you know, unless you follow that GPS inside - your instincts, intuition and the prompting to take action?
Well, guys, get ready, buckle up, suck all the freedom up that you can, because I'm here to tell you that the Global reset is moving forward. The clock is ticking, and we are not being told - us little people, us civilians, their lab rats are not privy to their dark plans. But we have God on our side. So let's co-create a better reality for us here and for our future, for our children, for ourselves, please. This is what I asked from the people. This is it, no more, no less. Remember the law of karma, "What you do unto others, you do to yourself, tenfold." So go out of your way to create positive in your daily moment-to- moment actions and do so with a pure intent. YOU make a big difference in this world!
Sending you Love and Illumination,
Michelle Whitedove
Spiritual Teacher | Author |Seer