(Currently the testnet AMM only works on Chrome/Firefox Browsers. Brave will not allow the wallet connect feature to work. ONLY USE THE TESTNET)
Testnet URL: https://orchestra.finance
- Set up the Crossmark Wallet:
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/crossmark/canipghmckojpianfgiklhbgpfmhjkjg
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/crossmark/ - Create wallet:
🔵 On network switch on top choose "AMM"
🔵 Click three dots in the top right -> "View all cards" -> Activate.
(This will give you 10K testnet XRP)
- Get Testnet tokens:
🔵 Select Connect Wallet
🔵 Set up TrustLines for tokens you want to test with (i.e. approve tokens in your wallet)
🔵 Click again to get testnet tokens
- Notes:
🔵 Please test desktop only for now.
🔵 Mobile wallets currently don't support AMM
🔵 AMM devnet will be migrated to Main devnet soon. At that point, we have to pause our testnet - Reporting: 🔵 Join the Orchestra Finance Discord
- Please check testnet-faq channel if your question/bug reporting is already mentioned.
If not, please post your questions/report in feedback channel!
Do not forget to mention 'which browser you use' and 'Crossmark wallet version'.
👉 This helps us to improve the product