This will happen nationwide way sooner than 2035, THEY will use the narrative of "Who will buy a car in 2025-26 that they cant drive in 10 years". ~D
The nation's capital is adopting the electric vehicle mandate that many states have adopted following California’s lead.
The Washington, D.C. Department of Energy & Environment announced just before the New Year’s holiday that it is adopting the California Clean Cars II vehicle emissions-standards rule. Under the rules, dealerships within the district will be required to sell only zero-emissions vehicles beginning in 2035.
In its statement, the agency said that district residents were accruing savings in refueling costs and that subsidies would drive down the cost of electric vehicles to be as much as $4,000 less than a gasoline equivalent by 2032.
“Even greater cost savings occur when the maintenance and fuel savings of approximately $10,000 that the average owner will save over eight years of ownership are considered,” the statement reads.
According to Fox News, 17 states have laws in place that follow California’s vehicle-emissions standards.