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💥Fantom's Michael Kong Talks about the new $S Coin💥

Fantom Foundation posted at 10:24 AM on Fri, Jun 07, 2024:
At Consensus 2024, Michael F Kong talked about our new $S token and its utility:

💱 1:1 compatible with existing $FTM token at genesis

💻 #Sonic validators staking $S can participate on new L2 bridge to earn more fees

🎊 Upcoming airdrop and grant programs

Watch now 👇

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⚠️ The Truth Shall Set You Free... ⚠️

Sound Familiar?

"You just have to Flood a country’s public square with raw sewage … eroding the truth… So the citizens don't know what to believe and the game is won." ~ex Unlawful President Obama

😒 Joe Bloopers From Last Nights CNN Debate 😒

Some Bloopers from last nights CNN Debate in Georgia last night.
What a joke!

😵How pathetic, and Totally Embarrassing😕

How pathetic. It’s like she’s congratulating a 4 year old who went potty. To think how we must look to the rest of the world... having this abomination in charge of our country. How much longer must the charade go on?

💸 Nearly a million $THETA sent to Binance

Whoa, that's a big move! 💸 Nearly a million $THETA sent to Binance from @ThetaLabs? 🤯 That's a significant show of confidence in the market! 📈 Exciting times ahead for THETA holders!

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📢 Hurry there are only 3000 available of these Hinse celebratory mints for the launch of the Elite Booster Edge nodes.

2400+ Already minted

This exclusive digital collectible captures the excitement and significance of this milestone event. Own a piece of history and celebrate the debut of the Elite Booster with this unique NFT


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⚠️ The HiVe 2.0: VeBetterDAO Mainnet Launch ⚠️

💚Are you ready for a day full of value?
💚The HiVe is gearing up as our morning sessions are kicking off!
💚Here’s what’s coming up in the next few hours.

👉Be a part of The HiVe’s web3 and sustainability collective!

👉Expect a day of learnings, new perspectives, novel insights and inspirational talks by founders who are creating positive impacts for all.

👉The second edition of The HiVe will be held at the Fort Mason Center, San Francisco. Expect a scintillating and high-energy production, proudly curated by the VeChain Foundation.

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CatidPaws Season 2 Is Almost Over
Don't Miss Out on These Amazing Rewards!

As we approach the grand finale of CatidPaws Season 2, we want to take a moment to thank our incredible community for the unwavering support, enthusiasm, and energy you have brought to the game. This season has been nothing short of spectacular, and we are thrilled to announce our exclusive participation rewards designed to celebrate your dedication.

Exciting Participation Rewards Await You!

To keep the excitement going and to show our appreciation, we have lined up a fantastic set of rewards for all our active participants. Here’s what you can earn:

  1. $PAWS Token Voucher 1,000,000: Secure this massive reward by binding your wallet.
  2. Card Swipe x 5: Invite just one friend to join the fun and claim these valuable cards.
  3. Card Energy x 5: Bring in 10 friends and enjoy the boost of energy these cards provide.
  4. Card Daily Combo x 2: For those who can get 20 friends on board, this combo is for you!

How to Qualify for These Rewards

To make it even more engaging, we’ve set up simple tasks for you to complete.

Each task unlocks a different reward:

  • $PAWS Token Voucher: Bind your wallet to qualify.
  • Card Swipe: Invite 1 person to join CatidPaws.
  • Card Energy: Invite 10 people and watch your energy soar.
  • Card Daily Combo: Invite 20 people for the ultimate reward.

Why Participate?

This is a unique opportunity to boost your gaming experience and earn valuable rewards. Not only do these tasks enhance your gameplay, but they also bring new members into our thriving community. Imagine the fun of playing alongside your friends and the thrill of climbing up the leaderboard together! Cek eglidible with your new Venom Wallet Phone Apps / extention crome then connect by using with this link

More Rewards!

These participation rewards are in addition to the top 1-10 rank prizes that we announced earlier. So, whether you're aiming for the top ranks or simply enjoying the game with friends, there are plenty of ways to win.

Join the Fun – It’s Easy!

  1. Bind Your Venom Wallet: Ensure your wallet is bound to receive the $PAWS Token Voucher.
  2. Invite Friends: Share the excitement with friends and get them to join CatidPaws.
  3. Claim Your Rewards: Complete the tasks and watch your rewards roll in.

Stay Engaged with CatidPaws

As we transition to the next season, stay tuned for more exciting updates, new features, and even bigger rewards. Your journey in CatidPaws is about to get even more thrilling!

Thank you for being a part of the CatidPaws family.

Let’s make the end of Season 2 unforgettable!

How to Bind the Venom Wallet

1) Click "User"

2) Click Bind "Wallet"

3) Paste your Venom Wallet address

4) Click "Bind Venom Wallet"


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VET Endures as HiVe Summit and VeBetterDAO Mainnet Launch Reignites Project Demand
  • VeChain is currently in demand, with historical support around $0.026. This could signal a potential buying opportunity for investors.
  • VeChain’s partnerships allow VET holders to shop on platforms like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and Etsy with a 2% discount.  
  • VeChain’s recent developments and historical support make it an intriguing asset. 

Cryptocurrency markets are notoriously volatile, and investors often grapple with the question of when to enter or exit a position. VeChain (VET), a blockchain platform focused on supply chain management and enterprise solutions, has recently caught the attention of traders

Some analysts, like CryptoBusy, suggest that this is the time to buy VET.

CryptoBusy’s VET Analysis 

According to CryptoBusy, VeChain is currently in demand, signaling a potential buying opportunity. Historical data suggests that the price often finds support around $0.026, which could lead to a rebound. This level has acted as a floor for VET in the past, making it an interesting point for investors to consider.

Partnerships and Real-World Adoption

VeChain has been making strides in real-world adoption. A recent partnership enables VET holders to make purchases on major platforms like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and Etsy. Notably, VET holders receive a 2% discount on all items during this period. Such collaborations enhance VeChain’s utility and could positively impact its price.

A deeper dive into the charts reveals potential support levels, short-term and long-term trends, and bullish and bearish signals for VET. Traders should pay attention to these technical indicators to make informed decisions.

While timing the market is challenging, VeChain’s recent developments and historical support levels make it an intriguing asset. As always, investors should conduct thorough research, assess risk, and consider their financial goals before making any investment decisions.


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⚕️ Ahimsa - First, do no harm. Two new ones for your anticancer toolkit.⚕️

ld be best to add Ivermectin to be used along side of theces between my approach and that of the medical industry. First my focus is health, not the disease. My focus is body support, not degradation.

Secol, the medical industry is focused on disease AND they are projecting the “external savior myth” down to the material plane in the form of their reliance on their chemicals to ‘fight the disease’. My approach has been to provide the body with the tools it needs to correct the situation, as well as, the provision of such extra support as may be taken on board with the constant mental attitude of ahimsa, first do no harm.

There are two substances detailed below. These are very impressive, though may be expensive and difficult to obtain. That is a necessary artifact of my working in this area for so many years; that is, the easy fruits have already been picked. However, as the search narrows down, there are surprisingly powerful discoveries yet to be made as evidenced by the two listed below. These descriptions have been created by AI due to my lazy ass approach to things. AI had nothing to do with the finding of these and is a simple tool to aggregate the information that you need to read.

Honokiol, and Fucoidans.


Honokiol is a compound found in several plants, particularly in the bark and leaves of the Magnolia tree. It has gained attention for its potential health benefits, including anticancer effects. Here are some of its known health effects:

  1. Anticancer Properties: Honokiol has been studied for its ability to inhibit the growth of various types of cancer cells. It works through several mechanisms, including inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death), inhibiting angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow), and suppressing metastasis (the spread of cancer cells).

  2. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Honokiol has shown anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting certain inflammatory pathways in the body. This could potentially benefit conditions where inflammation plays a role, such as arthritis and certain cardiovascular diseases.

  3. Antioxidant Activity: It acts as an antioxidant, scavenging free radicals that can damage cells and contribute to various diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

  4. Neuroprotective Effects: Honokiol has been studied for its potential to protect nerve cells from damage and promote their survival. This could have implications for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

  5. Anxiolytic and Sedative Properties: It has been investigated for its calming effects, which may help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation without causing significant sedation.

  6. Cardiovascular Benefits: Honokiol may have protective effects on the cardiovascular system, including lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease.

  7. Antimicrobial Activity: It exhibits antimicrobial properties against certain bacteria and fungi, suggesting potential applications in treating infections.

Fucoidans are a class of complex polysaccharides found primarily in various species of brown seaweed. They have been studied extensively for their potential health benefits, and here are some of their known effects:

  1. Anticancer Properties: Fucoidans have shown promising anticancer effects in various studies. They can inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells, and inhibit angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need for growth). Fucoidans may also suppress metastasis, making them potential candidates for cancer therapy and prevention.

  2. Immunomodulatory Effects: They can modulate the immune system by enhancing the activity of certain immune cells (such as natural killer cells and macrophages) and improving immune response against infections and tumors.

  3. Antioxidant Activity: Fucoidans exhibit antioxidant properties, helping to neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which is linked to aging and various chronic diseases.

  4. Anti-inflammatory Effects: They have been shown to reduce inflammation by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes, which may benefit conditions like arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and cardiovascular diseases.

  5. Antiviral and Antimicrobial Activity: Fucoidans have demonstrated activity against certain viruses and bacteria, suggesting potential applications in antiviral and antimicrobial therapies.

  6. Gastrointestinal Health: They can promote gut health by supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and protecting the intestinal lining, which may help in managing digestive disorders.

  7. Skin Health: Fucoidans have been studied for their potential benefits in skin health, including promoting wound healing, moisturizing the skin, and protecting against UV-induced damage.

  8. Cardiovascular Benefits: They may have protective effects on the cardiovascular system by reducing cholesterol levels, improving blood flow, and supporting heart health.

Both of these substances WILL aid anyone with cancer. These are very powerful in their support for the body and may help those people struggling with the results of the covid vaxx shot.

Best to you. Cancer can be defeated. Universe places all the tools we need before us.


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